What Fruits Can Shih Tzu Eat? The 4-Season Guide 2025
In this complete 4-season guide, you will learn an important lesson What Fruits Can Shih Tzu Eat?
- Fruits that Shih Tzu can eat include Strawberry, Blueberry, Apple, Banana, Watermelon, Melon, and Mango.
- Keep fruits and vegetables about 20-25% of your Shih Tzu’s diet.
- The in-season approach provides appropriate nutrition to your dog.
- Keep in mind, many dogs have sensitive guts. Do your research to feed the suitable fruits.
- Optimal fruits can enhance your Shih Tzu’s health. However, some should be avoided, for example, grapes and currants.
Personal Experience with Billy, Shih Tzu with a Sensitive Gut
Like many Shih Tzu owners would tell you, this breed has unique needs. Billy has a sensitive gut that requires extra attention. Early on, I realized that his gut would react sensitively to many foods, leading to discomfort and sometimes acid reflux, or even vomiting and diarrhea.

For example, oranges and spinach will trigger acid reflux with Billy, which at the time I did not understand why.
Even though I went to two veterinarians, their advice was to give Billy dry food. And they believed the symptoms would just go away.
But I didn’t agree with them. I refused to see my dog suffer either.
This turned me into a detective, to find options that can fix his digestive system. I realized not all fruits listed on the Internet that say it’s safe for dogs are good for Billy.
Experimenting and learning, I carefully jotted down his reactions and tweaked his diet accordingly. This process made me realize that just like people, every Shih Tzu is different.
What works for one might not be good for another, and that’s completely fine. (More about this story…)
With tons of research, I slowly found ways to heal Billy’s gut with herbs at home.
Since I realized this, Billy is pretty much free from the issues he had for the first 6 months of his life.
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How Much Fruits Can I Give My Shih Tzu?
When feeding your Shih Tzu, you should only give fruits in really small quantities—together with vegetables, they should make up no more than 20-25% of their overall diet.

The sugar in fruits can lead to inflammation. But we can’t deny that there are a lot of vital nutrients in fruits that you won’t find in other food, so a little bit goes a long way.
Just don’t go overboard. And if your dog doesn’t like something, don’t force it to eat!
The In-Season Approach to Feeding Fruits
I adopt an in-season approach2 to feeding my Shih Tzu. This philosophy is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and aligns with the natural rhythm of life.
It isn’t just a trend or a fad; it’s timeless animal instincts. Interestingly, I came across a book called “Forest Unseen” which mentions deer can suffer from indigestion if they consume non-seasonal food.
It reinforces my belief that the food of each season offers nutrients that align with the challenges and demands of that time of the year. It is true for humans and for animals (our pets) too. For example, Spring is a season of renewal and growth, we can feed food that supports vitality and cleansing. In summer, we can offer food that is hydrating and beating the heat.
By providing food in harmony with the seasons, we can nourish our pets while honoring their biological needs.
In-Season Fruits Safe for Shih Tzu
Below are lists of fruits beneficial to most dogs in different seasons.
It is not necessary to follow the season strictly. But that will be extra beneficial to feed your dog according to the season.

Now let me break it down…
Spring Fruits
Can Shih Tzu Eat Apple?
Of course, Shih Tzus can eat apples! It is one of the best fruits to offer your Shih Tzu.
Health Benefits:
It is full of vitamins A and C, plus fiber. And apple peels are rich in quercetin, which has an antihistamine effect that gives extra help to dogs with allergies. Apple is also teeth-friendly and breath-freshening for dogs.
To safely prepare apples for your Shih Tzu:
- Wash Thoroughly: Rinse the apple to remove pesticides or residues.
- Remove Seeds and Core: Apple seeds contain cyanide, which is toxic to animals.
- Feed with Apple Skin: Quercetin is found mostly in apple peels.
- Cut Them into Bite-size: Cut the apple into small, manageable pieces.
- Mind the Serving Portion: For a small Shih Tzu, one full slice of apple per day is sufficient as a snack.
- Fresh is best, but homemade apple chips are also a good treat too!

TIP: If it’s possible, feed your dog organic apples. Most store-bought apples are sprayed with pesticides.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Strawberry?
Definitely! Strawberries are great for Shih Tzu.
Health Benefits:
It is a low-calorie fruit full of vitamins C and K, fiber, and antioxidants. It also contains an enzyme that helps whiten dogs’ teeth.
To safely feed strawberries to your Shih Tzu:
Removing the green leaves and washing them thoroughly before feeding is important. Since strawberries contain natural sugar, moderation is key.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Pineapple?
Yes! Shih Tzu can eat pineapple. It is very healthy for dogs.
Health Benefits:
It is proven that pineapple contains a specific enzyme, Bromelain, that has anti-cancer properties.
It is also packed with vitamins C, A, and manganese that can boost immunity, and gut, bone, and teeth health.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, pineapple helps with clearing heat and dampness out of the body so it is particularly good to eat it during springtime.
To safely prepare pineapple for your Shih Tzu:
- Select a ripe pineapple
- Peel off the tough skin and cut into small chunks
- Offer only flesh of the pineapple
- Mind the Serving Portion: For a small Shih Tzu, keep it 1 to 2 small chunks a day.
- Observe any signs of stomach upset: Excessive amounts of pineapple can lead to diarrhea.
- Fresh is best, but frozen pineapple is also good too!

TIP: if you have a Shih Tzu with a sensitive gut, make sure your dog starts with only a small amount. This is because pineapple is a histamine liberator. This will trigger the release of existing histamine in the body, leading to allergic symptoms, which include causing your Shih Tzu to vomit and diarrhea.
The Burning Question: Will Pineapple Stop Dogs From Eating Poop?
While there isn’t scientific evidence proving that pineapple can stop dogs from eating poop, some dog owners claim it helps deter this behavior.
There’s no definitive scientific proof that pineapple alters the smell or taste of poop for dogs.
The better approach to stopping dogs from eating poops is the ensure they are getting proper nutrition. Besides pineapple, other fruits that nurture good gut bacteria include bananas, papaya, apples, and blueberries.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Banana?
Absolutely yes! Shih Tzu can eat bananas without worry.
Health Benefits:
Packed with vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and dietary fiber, this yellow fruit is a great treat for your dog. Bananas are soothing for upset tummies too. It supports digestive health and enhances immunity.
To safely prepare bananas for your Shih Tzu:
- Peel and Cut: Peel the banana and cut it into bite-sized pieces.
- Preferably Green Bananas: Consider opting for slightly unripe (green) bananas. They contain more resistant starch and micronutrients to build good gut bacteria.
- Mind the Serving Portion: Offering a maximum of 3 pieces of a small banana as an occasional treat.

Can Shih Tzu Eat Apricot?
Yes, apricot flesh is safe for dogs in moderation.
Health Benefits:
The flesh provides vitamins A and C, plus fiber, aiding digestion and boosting immunity.
To safely prepare apricot for your Shih Tzu:
- Remove the pit, stem, and leaves.
- It can be fresh or dried but make sure they are cut into small pieces.
- Mind the Serving Portion: Offering only a small amount as a snack.
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Summer Fruits

Can Shih Tzu Eat Raspberry?
Raspberry is a summer super fruit for dogs.
Health Benefits:
Packed with vitamins, manganese, and fiber, raspberries rank among the top berry choices for your dog.
Although it is a fact that raspberry contains natural xylitol, an all-natural sweetener that can be toxic to dogs, don’t freak out.
Dogs can eat raspberries without problems unless they eat in very large quantities (I mean A LOT). A 20 lb (ca. 9 kg) dog will need to eat 4 – 6 full cups of raspberries to be toxic.
We humans will not even eat that much raspberry in a week!
To safely prepare raspberry for your Shih Tzu:
- Wash thoroughly.
- Mind the Serving Portion: Offering only a small amount as a snack.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Blueberry?
Absolutely! In fact, make sure you give your Shih Tzu blueberry.
Health Benefits:
Blueberries are known to be a powerful health boost for both humans and dogs. It is an antioxidant source, reduces tear stains, protects the brain, and is packed with nutrients.
Oh, and here’s a little secret: they help to battle with tear stains. I know a lot of Shih Tzu and other dogs have tear stains problems. Many people share that five blueberries a day is the solution!

To safely prepare blueberry for your Shih Tzu:
- Wash thoroughly.
- Open or mash the blueberries for easier digestion.
- Avoid frozen blueberries for Shih Tzu with digestive issues.
- Mind the Serving Portion: I like to give about 5 blueberries maximum each day.
TIP: What other berries are also safe for Shih Tzu?

Can Shih Tzu Eat Cantaloupe?
Cantaloupe is another great summer refreshment for dogs.
Health Benefits:
It is one of the best juicy hydrating fruits for your Shih Tzu.
Cantaloupe provides vitamins A, and C, folic acid, and antioxidants. It is anti-inflammatory, low-calorie, hydrating, and nourishing to the lungs.

To safely prepare cantaloupe for your Shih Tzu:
- Remove seeds and rind before feeding.
- Cut it into small bite-size pieces.
- Mind the Serving Portion: Give a maximum 3 – 5 small pieces a day.
Can Shih Tzy Eat Papaya?
Yes! Papaya is an excellent tropical fruit for any dog in Summer.
Health Benefits:
Papaya contains a good source of vitamins A, C, K, and E, fiber, and different minerals. In addition, papaya has an antiparasitic effect to help make your dog’s intestinal tract less attractive to worms.
To safely prepare raspberry for your Shih Tzu:
- Remove seeds and skin before feeding.
- Cut it into small bite-size pieces.
- Mind the Serving Portion: Give a few bite-sized chunks or a teaspoon per day.
TIP: Other gut-nurturing food for Shih Tzu…

Can Shih Tzu Eat Watermelon?
Yes, watermelon is a great summer fruit for dogs. In fact, watermelon is always on the top of my list in summer to give Billy.
Health Benefits:
Watermelon contains only about 50 calories per cup and 92% water. It has no fat or cholesterol, making it a great hydrating treat for Shih Tzu and any dogs on hot days.
Beyond its hydrating properties, watermelon offers the potential ability to help prevent cancer.
Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene.
Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant pigment responsible for the red color of watermelon. Studies suggest that lycopene may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer in humans.
While research specifically on dogs is limited, the presence of lycopene in watermelon indicates its potential to offer similar protective effects against cancer in dogs.

To safely prepare watermelon for your Shih Tzu:
- Remove the rind and seeds before feeding.
- Cut it into small bite-size pieces.
- Introduce gradually: Even for dogs without digestive concerns, excessive consumption of watermelon within a short time may lead to diarrhea. It’s best to enjoy watermelon in small amounts to avoid such issues.
- Mind the Serving Portion: Give a few bite-sized chunks per day.
- Avoid feeding cold watermelon on an empty stomach.
Bonus: Download FREE Shih Tzu Herbal Tea Handbook ➔
TIP: What other types of melons are safe for Shih Tzu?

Autumn Fruits
Can Shih Tzu Eat Melon?
Yes, melon is good for dogs. Much like cantaloupe, all melons are dog-friendly and healthy snacks.
Health Benefits:
Melon contains a good source of vitamins K, potassium, manganese, folic acid, and fiber, it’s a power-packed add-on for your dog.
To safely prepare melon for your Shih Tzu:
- Remove seeds and skin before feeding.
- Cut it into small bite-size pieces.
- When giving it to your dog, choose the ripe ones.
- Mind the Serving Portion: Give a few bite-sized chunks per day.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Asian Pear?
Yes, dogs can eat Asian pear. It’s one of the best nurturing fruits to eat in Autumn for both humans and dogs.
Remove the seeds and cut them into bite-sized pieces before giving them to your dog. Also, make sure you introduce slowly. For example, Billy gets soft stools if he eats an extra slice of pear.
Finally, it’s winter time, here you go…
Winter Fruits
Can Shih Tzu Eat Orange?
Yes and no. Orange is not toxic to dogs but this citrus fruit can flare up acid reflux if your dog has a weaker digestive system.
If you want to try sharing oranges with your Shih Tzy, start small and watch closely.
Some Shih Tzus may not be good with oranges if they have a history of acid reflux. Well, then it’s probably best to skip the oranges.
When feeding oranges, remember to remove the peel and seeds.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Kiwi?
Absolutely! Dogs can eat kiwi in small amounts.
Health Benefits:
Kiwi has even more vitamin C than orange. And more potassium than a banana.
It is also rich in digestive enzymes, which can benefit dogs with GI issues.
However, it is the same case as orange, if your dog is known to have a sensitive gut, you want to be extra careful. In Billy’s case, for example, he has no issue eating kiwi but I still limit his consumption.
To safely prepare kiwi for your Shih Tzu:
- Peel the skin before feeding.
- Cut it into small bite-size pieces.
- When giving it to your dog, choose the ripe ones.
- Mind the Serving Portion: Give 1 – 2 bite-sized chunks per day.
What Fruits Are Harmful to Your Shih Tzu?
While many fruits are good for Shih Tzus, some are toxic! Namely, grapes, currants, and raisins. Even in small quantities, it can lead to kidney problems.

How to Introduce New Fruits to your Shih Tzu?
Introducing any new food to your Shih Tzu requires a gradual and cautious approach to ensure their safety and digestive comfort.
Follow these 6 steps:
Step 1. Choose the Right Time
Start when your Shih Tzu is healthy and not experiencing any digestive issues.
Whenever I introduce new food to Billy, I offer it in the morning so that in case he has any problem with the new food, it’s better to handle it during the daytime.
Step 2. Prepare Small Portions
Offering a thin slice of the food is sufficient for initial testing. This allows you to observe any reactions or sensitivities.
Step 3. Observe and Take Note
Watch your Shih Tzu for any adverse reactions. Check for stomach upset, diarrhea, or allergic symptoms like itching. You can promptly identify any responses and take appropriate action. Take note and keep a list of foods safe for your dog.
Step 4. Introduce One at a Time
Introduce only one new food at a time. This helps isolate the source of any reactions, making it easier to determine whether a food is suitable for your Shih Tzu.
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Step 5. Remember Moderation
Remember that moderation is key. Even if your Shih Tzu enjoys a particular food, ensure it is in moderation.
Step 6. Consult the Vet
In cases of uncertainty, always seek guidance from your veterinarian. A professional opinion can provide valuable insights and help address any potential risks or uncertainties.
NOTE: This article is intended to inform, not to replace any veterinarian medical advice. If you are in doubt, be sure to do a lot of research and consult with experts to find out what will work best for your dog.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Shih Tzu Eat Fruits Daily?
Yes, but offer them in moderation. Fruits should make up a small portion of their diet, ideally around 10-15% to avoid excessive sugar intake.
What Are the Benefits for Shih Tzu Eating Fruits and Vegetables?
According to a study7, fruits, and vegetables can support dogs’ overall health, boost the immune system, and potentially reduce the risk of cancers.
What Vegetables Can Shih Tzu Eat?
Shih Tzus can safely eat vegetables like carrots, cucumber, cabbage, and sweet potatoes. But it’s better to steam them before feeding for better digestion.
What Fruits Can Shih Tzu Eat?
Shih Tzus can safely eat fruits such as apples, bananas, and blueberries. But it’s crucial to beware of the quantity as fruits contain a lot of sugar.
What Fruits Can Shih Tzu Not Eat?
Shih Tzus should avoid consuming grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, leeks, and chives. These are toxic to dogs and can lead to various health issues, including kidney problems and damage to red blood cells.
Can Shih Tzu Eat Frozen Strawberries?
Yes, provided that they are cut into small, bite-sized pieces. Frozen strawberries can be a refreshing and nutritious treat.
Can a Shih Tzu Eat Avocado?
Yes and no. Avocado contains a natural fungicide called pepsin, which can be harmful to dogs in certain parts of the fruit. Avocado flesh is generally safe for dogs in moderation, but the skin and pit of avocados should not be consumed. I prefer my dog to avoid eating avocado overall.
Can a Shih Tzu Eat Sweet Potato?
Yes. Sweet potatoes are a healthy carbohydrate source, rich in vitamins and fiber. Ensure they are cooked thoroughly before feeding your dog, as raw sweet potatoes can be difficult to digest.
Can a Shih Tzu Eat Mushrooms?
Yes. Shih Tzu can eat mushrooms. But remember to avoid the wild ones at all costs. There are over 14,000 species of mushrooms, and not all of them are safe for dogs. Some specific mushrooms are safe and beneficial for dogs, including Turkey Tail, Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, and Maitake.
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