What vegetables can Shih Tzu eat

What Vegetables Can Shih Tzu Eat in Each Season? (2025)

We all love our Shih Tzu and want to provide the best possible food for them. 

Do you know that just by adding some vegetable toppers you can extend your dog’s life? This is because vegetables offer many vitamins and antioxidants to the diet. 

But with so many vegetables available nowadays, it becomes confusing what vegetables can Shih Tzu eat.

That’s why I’ve prepared this article.

Healthy and safe vegetables for a Shih Tzu are all compiled by season here.

Long story short: 

  • Spring vegetables Shih Tzu can eat include asparagus, kale, Swiss chard, spinach, and carrot
  • Summer vegetables Shih Tzu can eat include celery, cucumber, broccoli, sweet pepper, and zucchini
  • Autumn vegetables Shih Tzu can eat include cabbage, Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, and green beans
  • Winter vegetables Shih Tzu can eat include pumpkin, lettuce, and potatoes
  • Because dogs do not produce enzymes that can break down plant materials. Most vegetables need to be fed as cooked.
  • Be careful of the amount. Vegetables (together with fruits) should not exceed 25% of the whole diet of a dog. 

Personal Experience – What Happens Feeding Too Much Vegetables to Shih Tzu? 

Billy, my Shih Tzu, used to have repeatable anal gland issues. 

My veterinarian recommended that I add more fiber to his diet, saying, “There’s never too much fiber.”

So I did exactly that, and boy, did I really load up on the veggies! 

But later I found the opposite. Too much of a good thing can indeed be bad. 

I was feeding more than 30% of the diet fruits and vegetables to Billy, he had very frequent bouts of acid reflux and even softer stools. 

Listen, dogs aren’t cows.

They have completely different digestive tracts. Dogs’ intestines are so much shorter. They should digest proteins, not plants.

Of course, they can digest up to a certain degree but in most cases, plants come out as how they went in the intestines.

Therefore, I reduced the vegetables to strictly 25% (or less) of his diet. And it was like night and day! His condition improved dramatically. 

(As for how I fixed Billy’s anal gland issue, I will include it in another article.) 

Less was indeed more for my little Billy.

So, your lesson learned from this is…

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How Much Fruits and Vegetables Can I Give My Shih Tzu?

Well, I’d say no more than 25% of the whole diet is fruits and vegetables. 

Shih Tzu is a small breed. They have even shorter intestines as compared to other larger breeds. Too much vegetable intake will only add to the stress in the digestive system.

I learned from Dr. Susan Bohrer1, the founder of Chi Dog, that we should even minimize fruits for gut-sensitive dogs.

From my experience, I totally agree.

I used to give Billy some fruits every morning, but limiting them has significantly improved his gut health.

The In-Season Approach to Feeding Fruits and Vegetables

I adopt an in-season approach to feeding my Shih Tzu. This philosophy is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and aligns with the natural rhythm of life.

By providing food in harmony with the seasons, we can nourish our pets while honoring their biological needs.

In-Season Vegetables Safe for Shih Tzu

Spring Vegetables for Shih Tzu

Spring Veggies

  • Asparagus
  • Kale
  • Swiss Chard
  • Spinach
  • Carrot

Can Shih Tzu Eat Asparagus?

Yes! Asparagus is the number one super food for dogs when given in moderation. 

Health Benefits:

It is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and K. It also has anticarcinogenic properties. 

In traditional Chinese medicine, asparagus is often used for its medicinal properties. 

To safely prepare asparagus for your Shih Tzu:

  • Cook the asparagus before feeding it to your dog. Raw ones can cause an upset stomach. 
  • You can steam or toss them in a pan. 
  • Give only the tip-softer part of the asparagus to your dog. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Kale?

Yes! Kale can be a healthy addition to your dog’s bowl. 

Health Benefits:

It is packed with antioxidants, chlorophyll, and vitamin C. In short, kale can help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve cognitive function. 

However, kale is high in calcium, which can be a problem for dogs with kidney issues.

But you don’t need to worry. If you keep the amount of kale little, it’s not going to cause any issues. 

To safely prepare kale for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Avoid the stem part. Choose only the leafy part. The tough stems are difficult to digest even when it is cooked. 
  • You can gently steam them or blend them in a food processor. 
  • Feed only a small amount. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Swiss Chard?

Yes, Swiss Chard in moderation is good for dogs. 

Health Benefits:

In the same family as spinach and beets, Swiss chard is packed with vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants, and fiber. Overall, it helps with maintaining immune function. 

It has very low calories, making it perfect for dogs that need to lose weight. 

However, too much Swiss chard can potentially cause gas and digestive upset. 

To safely prepare Swiss chard for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Avoid the stem part. Cut out the leafy part. The tough stems are difficult to digest even when it is cooked. 
  • You can gently steam them or blend them in a food processor. 
  • Introduce slowly. It can be bitter for dogs. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Spinach?

Of course, spinach is safe for dogs to eat. 

Although my Shih Tzu, Billy is intolerant to spinach, it doesn’t stop you from feeding spinach to your dog. 

Health Benefits:

Spinach is an antioxidant powerhouse. It supports eye health, immune health, and bone health. 

However, spinach is high in oxalic acids and histamine. If your dog has kidney or bladder issues, you better be careful of the amount. 

To safely prepare spinach for your Shih Tzu:  

  • You can gently steam them or blend them in a food processor. 
  • If you can, always buy organic spinach. It is almost always listed on the Dirty Dozen list. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Carrot?

Of course! Dogs can eat carrots. It is a staple in my Shih Tzu’s bowl. 

Health Benefits:

Carrots contain beta-carotene, which supports vision, skin, and immune function.

However, carrots are starchy food. Do keep in mind the amount of carrots you feed your dog. 

To safely prepare carrots for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Peel the skin.
  • You can gently steam them or blend them in a food processor or simply grate them.

Bonus: Download FREE Shih Tzu Herbal Tea Handbook ➔

Summer Vegetables for Shih Tzu

Summer Veggies

  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet Pepper
  • Zucchini

Can Shih Tzu Eat Celery?

Yes, celery is a summer tasty treat for dogs, especially those who need to lose weight.

Health Benefits:

Celery is low in calories with an excellent source of fiber, vitamins A, C, K, potassium, and maganese. It can also freshen up your dog’s breath. 

To safely prepare celery for your Shih Tzu:  

  • You can gently steam them before feeding.
  • Or hand them raw stalk as entertainment.
  • Observe them when they chew on the celery if you give them raw. 
  • Don’t let them consume too much or choke on it. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Cucumber?

Absolutely yes. Dogs can eat cucumber. 

Can ShihTzu Eat Cucumber

Health Benefits:

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, cucumber is a cooling food that is perfect to consume in Summer. 

It is low in calories and hydrating. Also full of antioxidants and vital nutrients, cucumber is a no-brainer healthy treat for your Shih Tzu. 

To safely prepare cucumber for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Make sure you keep the skin on! It’s where all the goodness is found. 
  • Preferably feed it raw. 
  • You can cut them into thin slices or grate them to add to their bowls.  

Can Shih Tzu Eat Broccoli?

Absolutely yes! Broccoli is one of the most powerful vegetables for dogs.

I can’t speak enough of how much this veggie has helped improve Billy’s gut health.

Health Benefits:

Broccoli aids in preventing cancer, supports liver detoxification, and improves gut health.

To safely prepare broccoli for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Make sure you wash broccoli thoroughly. 
  • It is best to offer dogs cooked ones instead of raw. 
  • You can steam, boil, or bake them. 
  • If you wish to feed it raw, you can puree them so to make sure your dog can digest it. 
  • Limit the amount. Too much of it can cause stomach upset. 
  • Generally, one to two, bite-sized florets a day is safe for most dogs. 

Bonus: Download FREE Shih Tzu Herbal Tea Handbook ➔

Cooking Methods of Broccoli

Can Shih Tzu Eat Sweet Pepper?

Yes, Shih Tzu can eat sweet pepper. All colors of bell peppers are rich in vitamins and nutrients. 

Health Benefits:

Sweet peppers are low in calories and full of water, making them a good summer treat for dogs. 

To safely prepare sweet pepper for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Wash, and remove the seeds, core, and stem. 
  • Both cooked or raw sweet peppers are safe for dogs.
  • One to three slices of sweet peppers are good enough. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Zucchini?

Yes, zucchini is a nutrient-dense vegetable you can feed your dog in summer. 

Health Benefits:

Apart from high water content and vital nutrients, zucchini contains soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps constipation and soften stools. 

To safely prepare zucchini for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Wash it before feeding. 
  • Make sure you keep the skin. 
  • Both raw and cooked zucchini are safe for dogs. 
  • If you prefer to feed them cooked, you can gently steam them.
  • If you’d like to serve them raw, grating them is a good way to make sure your dog can digest them properly. 
Cooling Vegetables For Shih Tzu

Autumn Vegetables for Shih Tzu

Autumn Veggies

  • Cabbage
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Butternut Squash
  • Green Beans

Can Shih Tzu Eat Cabbage?

Generally, cabbage is not toxic to dogs. But be careful not to choose those cabbages with very thick leaves. 

From personal experience, Billy had difficulty digesting even little cabbages. But if your dog is fine eating cabbage, that’s good news because…

Health Benefits:

Cabbage is full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 

To safely prepare cabbage for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Wash it thoroughly before feeding. 
  • Avoid cabbage that has thick leaves.
  • Both raw and cooked cabbage are safe for dogs but preferably cook them to aid digestion.
  • You can steam or boil the cabbage until softened. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Brussels Sprouts?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked Brussels sprouts. However, to some dogs, it may be difficult to digest. 

Like my Shih Tzu, Billy, gets diarrhea every time he eats Brussels sprouts even in small amounts. So, I learned to avoid it. 

But if your dog has no negative response to it, that’s a good vegetable to feed.

Health Benefits:

Brussels sprouts in the same family as broccoli and cauliflower, it is low in calories, and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It supports your dog’s immune system and even fights cancer. 

To safely prepare Brussels sprouts for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Wash it thoroughly before feeding. 
  • Remove the stem. 
  • Cook before feeding. 
  • Mind the amount of Brussels sprouts you feed.

Can Shih Tzu Eat Butternut Squash?

Definitely yes, Shih Tzu can eat cooked butternut squash. 

Especially for gut-sensitive Shih Tzu, butternut squash is often seen in homemade food for allergic dogs. Its low histamine levels make it a good choice for gut-sensitive dogs. 

Health Benefits:

Butternut squash contains beta-carotene, powerful antioxidants that help with inflammation and heart health. 

To safely prepare butternut squash for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Peel the tough skin and remove all the seeds.
  • Cook before feeding. 
  • You can steam or boil them before feeding. Never give raw butternut squash to dogs. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Green Beans?

Yes, green beans are healthy for dogs. In fact, Billy often gets green beans. 

Health Benefits:

In Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, green beans can help dispel internal heat and clear toxins from the liver. 

To safely prepare green beans for your Shih Tzu:  

  • All forms of green beans are safe for dogs to consume as long as they are without seasonings. 
  • Personally, I prefer to cook them to ensure easy digestion. 
  • You can steam or boil them. 

Winter Vegetables for Shih Tzu

Winter Veggies

  • Pumpkin
  • Lettuce
  • Potato

Can Shih Tzu Eat Pumpkin?

Absolutely yes, pumpkin is a superhero for your dog.

If your dog has diarrhea or stomach upset, pumpkin’s soluble fiber can aid digestion and firm up the stool.

Can Shihtzu Eat Pumpkin

Health Benefits:

Pumpkin is full of vitamins, minerals, good fiber, and antioxidants, which is nutritious for your dog. Plus, it helps nurture good gut bacteria. 

Besides the flesh, pumpkin seeds have anti-parasitic properties. It can help strengthen your dog’s intestinal health to get rid of parasites naturally. 

To safely prepare pumpkin for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Remove the thick skin and seeds. 
  • Cook them before feeding. Avoid raw pumpkin.
  • You can steam or boil them. 
  • You can also use canned pumpkin as long as it is pure plain pumpkin puree. 
  • Do NOT feed canned pumpkin fillings. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Lettuce?

Yes, dogs can eat lettuce. 

Health Benefits:

Even though lettuce itself is 90% water and not so much in terms of nutrient density. Still, it has its benefits in terms of a fairly good amount of insoluble fiber to bulk up the stool.

If, however, the meal already contains insoluble fiber, then keep the amount of lettuce low. Too much insoluble fiber puts stress on the gut.

To safely prepare lettuce for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Wash thoroughly before feeding. 
  • Only feed the top part of the lettuce. 
  • You can feed raw or cooked lettuce.
  • Mind the amount. 

Can Shih Tzu Eat Potato?

Yes, dogs can eat potatoes but they don’t necessarily need them. 

Health Benefits:

Potatoes provide nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium, but they are not essential to their diet.

Being a starchy root vegetable, potatoes are high in carbohydrates, which dogs don’t need in large amounts.

Most holistic vets suggest that dogs’ diets should contain no more than 20% carbs.

Personally, I keep my Shih Tzu, Billy’s carb intake between 6-10% daily. I consider potatoes an occasional treat rather than a regular part of their meals.

To safely prepare potatoes for your Shih Tzu:  

  • Wash the potato. 
  • Peel the skin. 
  • Cook the potato without any seasonings. You can boil or bake it. 
  • Mash or slice it to bite-size. 
Potatoes Alternatives For Shih Tzu

NOTE: This article is intended to inform, not to replace any veterinarian medical advice. If you are in doubt, be sure to do a lot of research and consult with experts to find out what will work best for your dog.

Bonus: Download FREE Shih Tzu Herbal Tea Handbook ➔

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